darktaxa-project: noManifesto, 5-2022, Audio-Video-Version

darktaxa-project: noManifesto_AudioVideo, AI-generated Video, 31:42 min, Loop, NFT, 2022, Edition 5+1 AP


noManifesto_ AudioVideo is a collective work of darktaxa-project. It combines elements from the collective publication projects of the group: darktaxa-project: noManifesto (2020) and darktaxa-project: noPublication (2021).

The collaborative text of darktaxa-project: noManifesto is recited by an artificial voice, for this purpose the noManifesto was transformed into an audio track by a text-to-speech generator and combined with a machine-learning-generated video (GAN).

To create the video, all 1000 pages of the darktaxa-project: noPublication (2021) were used as the training dataset for the GAN. The algorithm then generated "new" book pages whose genesis is visible in the video in their chronological order.